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Halloween Masquerade

Here is my entry for Susanna Hill's 2020 Halloweensie writing contest.

Halloween Masquerade

Gorg wasn’t sure what this “Halloween” was, but he wanted to be part of it. “Trick or treating” sounded fun. On the big day, he chose his outfit carefully and headed out.

But the trick or treaters turned him away. “What a creep! That kid didn’t even bother to dress up!“ jeered someone wearing a skeleton costume.

Poor Gorg. All he wanted was to fit in. He went home, tore off his Human Child mask and gazed at his reflection. A tear rolled from each of his five eyes. Next year, he’d go trick or treating just as he was.

Jamie Donahoe - 100 words The Contest: write a 100 word Halloween story appropriate for children using the words skeleton, creep, and mask.

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