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Halloween Performance


Updated: Oct 29, 2022

It's October and that means it's time for Susannah Leonard Hill's Halloweensie contest. This is the entry I've prepared for the 2022 edtion, which requires the use of the words treat, scare, and slither in a story of 100 words or less. The challenge is perfect for getting in the "spirits" of the season. šŸŽƒ

Command Performance

ā€œTrick or treat!ā€ we called from the street, shouting to the eerie house.

The door swung wide ā€“ ā€œAha!ā€ cried the witch inside. ā€œThis year I will take a trick.ā€

ā€œYou!ā€ she cackled, pointing a long, crooked finger at ME.

ā€œCome hither and play my zither.ā€

I shivered under her steely gaze as I tiptoed into the scary manse, shadowy candles all ablaze.

A sliver of moonlight revealed the zither, waiting for me thither.

I dared not dither, so took a deep breath and began to play.

The old witch danced and swayedā€¦ and slithered away.

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